Many of us have been monitoring (and in some cases suffering from) the seasonal weather. You just never know what you’re going to get, but when the sun comes out, we immediately head outside in this area. And when we do, and even prior to, we tend to appreciate our homes and properties even more than we normally do. At least that’s how we feel at RW Steel – largely because when we walk by homes, we know exactly what went into them and why their foundations are trusted and sturdy. When you have a specific eye as we do on homes, you appreciate news around construction and building your dream home at a whole new level. So, you do what we did – rounding up the best of the month and sharing it with the one component of the foundation that never needs fixing… our customers. Here’s the best of October:
Whether you like it or not, money will always be a part of, not only your dream home but anything that means a lot to you. You don’t want to overpay, you don’t want to take the first offer, thinking that just because it’s very low, it’s worth it and the right price. Separately, a lot of our customers are buying and financing their dream homes later on in their journeys, especially after they retire. It’s a smart idea – you’ve hopefully had a storied and prolific career, and now it’s time to celebrate that. But do you really want to buy it? How do you want to finance? Are you going to take out a second mortgage? These can be confusing questions to anyone, but if you take a look at this article, you’ll find some answers. Read here for more information.
Where? Where, where, where? A musing that as soon as you know you want to embark on the journey of homeownership crosses your mind. You may have driven past a beautiful quaint cottage that has inspired you that that neighbourhood is exactly where you want to spend your next chapter. You may have been on a vacation where you, conversely, realized exactly where you don’t want to live. While it’s a really broad question, it’s not only incredibly important but also overlooked. This should be one of the most exciting parts of the process for you – even playing the “yes, no, yes, no” game with whomever you’ll be living with. This article supports us in this adventure and can teach you much more. Here is the link.
Equally as important is timing. The bigger picture – yes, retirement and important milestones like that are vital and crucial to making decisions, but in a more micro manner, you want to monitor information like that in this article to discern if it’s the right time in the market to rent, buy or sell. Don’t get trigger happy on any of these accounts – we’ve seen far too many customers do that. Instead, do your homework and start here. More information in this article will be helpful.