Frequently known as dens, there are certainly rooms throughout your home that capitalize on the premise of being a space where any member of your household can collapse at the end of a long day and simply enjoy the space around them. At RW Steel, because we’re so well-versed in designing and constructing the elements of your home that keep them safe and secure, we love sharing information right here on the blog that reinforces exactly why – so that you can enjoy the spaces that you’ve put so much time, money, and energy into.
Some of us value the minimalistic approach; we see homes all the time that are focused on structure and durability, and that’s it. But more and more – especially with the pandemic – we’re seeing that our current and prospective customers are seeing the value in spaces that allow them to not think about anything but the moment at hand and the people around them.
We celebrate both, but today, we want to talk about the most comfortable living rooms.
Yes, they can be beautiful and elegant – the perfect place right inside your front door to welcome guests, host happy hours, dinners and get-togethers and hopefully create lifelong memories. They can also have a far heavier focus on comfort. Here are some tips and tricks in that space (pun intended):
Go for the expensive comfortable couch
A comfortable couch is one of those long-term investments that when done correctly, you won’t regret. You don’t want to shirk on the exact place where you’ll want to binge your favourite show or read your favourite book after one too many meetings. For this reason, we recommend that your comfortable couch is something that you see in person when possible. Shopping online is wonderful and definitely a welcome additive to the last number of years, but you want to be able to feel the material, stretch out and know that it’s a place on which you’ll look forward to hanging out.
Be strategic about furniture placement when it comes to lighting
We don’t know about you, but many of us on the RW Steel team believe that there are fewer things worse than having light blast in your eye during sunrise or sunset when you’re simply trying to have a moment to yourself. Natural light is wonderful, don’t get us wrong, you just want to make sure that you’re thinking through elements like your seating and your television as you’re placing everything around the room. This is a good rule-of-thumb for any room… check out which direction is east and west, that should help you decide.
Place plants and art in the space that will make you smile
Maybe you’re not a flora and fauna person, and that’s quite alright, but if you are, a well-designed living room is a great place to incorporate plants that you’ll enjoy. Similarly, be it a painting you did as a young child or a famous work of art, if it makes you smile, it belongs in the space that will help you relax the most.