It’s a new season and that means that the news and trends of the home renovation and construction industries are constantly changing and evolving. The RW Steel team prides ourselves on being on the forefront of these trends and news, not only because it keeps us on our A-game, but also because we get really excited when we can share what we find with you. It might be funny, it might be hard to hear, it might be inspiring and it might provide the knowledge that you need to avoid the common potholes many encounter when they’re designing, building and maintaining their dream home. Read on for our most recent favourite finds:
We know that any projects related to your home can be incredibly stressful for a number of reasons. Did you know that moving is number two on the list of the most stressful things that you can do? Hopefully, that puts into perspective the feelings that you may have as you traverse from your current abode to your next one. And hopefully, it makes you feel a little bit better – you’re not alone. You also live in the information age, so resources abound are available to you, including this article which is one of our go-tos. The RW Steel team loves a checklist – it speaks to our passion for organization in relation to any project, and this one is no exception. Take a deep breath, check all of the boxes, and your move will go much more smoothly. Check out this link for more information.
The above takes care of those who are in the process of starting their next chapter and this article helps those who are finally taking care of that long-overdue renovation. There are many deterrents – a lot of them emotional. Hopefully, this article helps remove some of those stressors. It takes a good look at how to renovate your home without sacrificing your sanity or your wallet. It has quick advice about setting and sticking to a budget, but perhaps more importantly – choosing the right project for right now. Yes, you can scan your home and spot a dozen things that *could* be better, but what needs to be better right now to improve your quality of life? Check out this link to learn more about this.
We love a feel-good story, now more than ever. COVID-19 impacts people all over the globe in different ways, a lot of them in a very negative manner. So, the RW Steel team loves to find the stories of those doing good and giving back, especially as they relate to your property. You know that we’re experts at reinforcing the structure of your home, which means we spend a lot of time outside. So, do those profiled in this article – who are giving free landscaping services to healthcare workers. They know that essential, frontline workers are consistently away from home. What better way to greet them when they return? Visit this link to read the story.