It’s hard to believe that it’s already July, isn’t it? It feels like only yesterday we were ringing in 2021 (and hoping that it would be far better than 2020). It’s already been a busy year, and the RW Steel team is grateful that you continue to return to our site, to this blog and continue to engage with our team. It’s with your support that we will always be passionate about what we do – continuing to ensure that your homes are safe, secure and comfortable. But it’s more than that, isn’t it? It’s being catalysts for your passion about your homes. And that starts with these monthly posts, which we always look forward to. We think through the stories and information that we’re sure that you’ll want to know. And then we go one step further. We truncate the information into small summaries, so you can go about your day and still feel like you learned something new. Read on for our favourite finds of July:
Where Should You Build Your Dream Home?
You can’t throw a stone without finding some sort of quiz on the internet. Where we used to go buy magazines, now you can simply Google any sort of question and then take a test to make major life decisions for you. While we don’t totally buy into them, they are fun – and we could all use some fun right now. So, what if we told you that there was a quiz that could decide exactly where you should live? You’d be intrigued, right? This one made us smile. You take a look at a painting and then answer a series of questions that help you determine where to build your dream home. Hey, it might be right… Check out this link for more information.
What Redfin’s Learned About Building Real Estate Algorithms
If you’re a bit of a nerd about the housing market, (and believe us… we are, so there’s no shame in that game) then this article is certainly for you. Most of us rarely think about the algorithms that go into the way that housing and realtor sites are laid out. But artificial intelligence plays a much larger role than you may think. In fact, it plays a vital role, based on your preferences – where you click, how long you stay on a page – to design your experience. According to this article, they look at equity, diversity and practicality – interesting buckets that may not come to mind thinking through real estate. You can learn more here.
Home Building Nightmare
While we like to always share positive and uplifting information, we also like to be realistic (or real-estate-ilistic if you will… okay humour us!) There are awful cautionary tales out there. But, they’re cautionary tales for a reason, easy to avoid if you take the right steps. (Or, if you work with the RW Steel Victoria team). And honestly, sometimes they are entertaining to read, especially in the case of this article. We won’t build it up too much, but please avoid these mistakes. Read on for more information.