Galvanising is a broad term that is generally used to describe any metal that has been coated in zinc. However, there are several different methods used to apply a zinc coating. In terms of Hot Dip Galvanising, where the galvanised h channel steel posts are dipped in molten zinc, there are two different variations known […]
Universal Beams (100uc15, 200ub18, 250ub25)
Universal beams (such as 100uc15, 200ub18, 250ub25) are commonly used for structural support in buildings. They are used to bolster load-bearing walls, and anywhere else that requires heavy-duty bracing. Available in a wide range of sizes, determining the correct universal beam to use will depend mainly on the weight that the beam will be supporting. […]
How Are Galvanized Steel Posts Made?
How Are Galvanized Steel Posts Made? In the construction industry, galvanized steel posts have many benefits. As well as being ultra-strong, durable and resistant to damage, galvanized steel posts have a longer life expectancy than stainless steel and are cheaper to manufacture. What Is Galvanized Steel? Galvanized steel posts consist of carbon steel that is […]
How to Build a Wooden Fence with Steel Supports
Keen gardeners tend to match like with like, preferring a natural order to their outdoor spaces. So, the idea of building a wooden fence that is supported by galvanized steel posts probably horrifies the most enthusiastic landscapers. However, there are several advantages to using galvanized steel posts, and the result may be easier on the […]
3 Signs That Your Retaining Wall Is Failing
When you think of a retaining wall failure, the image that immediately springs to mind is a pile of rubble on the ground where the structure has already folded. Thankfully, retaining wall collapse is a rare occurrence, and better still, there are a few glaring signs that indicate there may be an issue before it […]
The Difference Between Steel H Beams and I Beams
With an almost identical shape, a layperson could easily mix up retaining wall steel H beams and I beams. So how exactly do these two differ from each other? And when should you choose one over the other? The Purpose of Steel Beams Before we delve into the differences between retaining wall steel H beams […]