We may be the experts on reinforcing the foundation of your home or business, but in the most metaphorical sense – that only reinforces our love for something that you’ve put so many money and effort into. Top to bottom, your home is an investment that the RW Steel team wants to be your partner-in-crime with, when caring for and maintaining. In a day and age where we care so much more about the products and materials that we use, we knew that it was important to share a post, right here on our blog, about the most natural products and ways to keep your home clean, especially if you want to avoid harsh chemicals.
Chemicals have their place and value, but we live in a day and age where there are more and more options if that’s not the route that you want to go. Here are some of our favourite recommendations and tips on the market today:
It starts with the ingredients. A lot of our customers get skittish about switching to natural, because they think it means a lot more work. We’re here to dispel that rumour… and fast. These ingredients can be easily found at a variety of local stores and bonus? They last a long, long time! Here’s your shopping list:
- Natural salt
- Baking soda
- Washing soda
- White vinegar
- Lemons
- Microfiber cloths
- Liquid castile soap
- Essential oils
- A biodegradable spray bottle (or two, or three, or four… stock up on these – they’ll be more valuable than you know!)
So, you’ve crossed shopping off of your list and you’re on to the next step. Thanks to articles like this one, you can use all of the above ingredients in different combinations to concoct new recipes that replace the products that have been living under your sink. Highlights include:
Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner – All you need to do is take four ingredients and thirty seconds. Remember the essential oils that we mentioned? Here’s where they come into play.
Another example is this Glass Cleaner – Say goodbye to the bright blue product lines that you see at the grocery store. This is a simplified version with much fewer ingredients, that still gets the job done.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. We recommend (regardless of whether you use natural products or not), that you take advantage of a checklist on a regular basis, that covers off the chores on your to-do list. This is a great way to not only discern if and when you want to adjust your processes and products, but also just to make sure that the work is getting done.
Like we said, the RW Steel team is most well-versed in your foundation. We stock all of the right materials (and believe us – we do the research), so that your home stays safe and secure. In order to maximize that pride, why not be really intentional with the ways that you take care of your home inside as well?
Questions? We’re here! Be sure to call, email or visit us in person.