There’s a reason that RW Steel got into this business – we have a huge appreciation and respect for the structure of your home and the land that it’s on. You might have sourced the land yourself and built it from scratch; you might have been the lucky finder in a tough market to put in that perfect bid on a move-in ready home. Either way, congrats! We know the emotions that come along with such a win. There’s euphoria, excitement, and… trepidation. What’s next? You’ve signed your name on the dotted line, you may have already moved in with your loved ones and you could already be plotting the layouts of design and décor. It’s a whirlwind of events and emotions. When does it stop so that you can finally appreciate all of the hard work and creativity that’s gone into the number of weeks or months that you’ve spent embarking on this next chapter?
Well, it stops when you reach out to the RW Steel team, because we consider ourselves best-in-class experts on everything related to your home. We start with the foundation and we only continue to work our way up. We know the work that goes into building your dream home and in today’s post, we want to offer up our recommendations on how to celebrate all of your investments. Read on for more information:
The first one should be a doozy – have a housewarming party! Many homeowners are overwhelmed by the idea, and think that they need to go way over the top to impress their neighbors and loved ones. That’s simply not the case. A housewarming party is simply an opportunity for those closest to you to celebrate a really big update and milestone in your life – however you want them to. A movie night? A quick tour with food and drinks? A big blowout if you enjoy planning parties? It’s YOUR day or night and you should feel that way.
Decorate for the upcoming season. There are things and events to get excited about every season, the weather should never matter. You could celebrate any holiday under the sun and we’re pretty sure that between all of the Hallmark-esque companies, you’ll most likely find a fun way to add sparkle to your new home. It’s just another way to make you smile when you come home at the end of the day, not just remembering the holiday that you’re celebrating, but also that you’re the proud owner of a new or enhanced home.
The last one is a little bit kitschy, but we stand by its importance. Do one last walkthrough, either by yourself or with those that will be living with you before all of the furniture and decorations are in the space. You’ll be able to have that self-empowering moment where you truly think about all of the work that you’ve done and exactly why it was worth it.
Questions? Please reach out to the RW Steel team.